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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 490

Last Page: 491

Title: A Sedimentologic Previous HitModelNext Hit for a Microtidal Flood-Tidal Delta--San Luis Pass, Texas: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Alan M. Israel, Frank G. Ethridge, Ernest L. Estes


San Luis Pass is a microtidal inlet located at the southwest end of Galveston Island, Texas. Continuous cores taken with a portable vibracoring rig, and surface grab samples provide data for developing a 3-dimensional sedimentologic Previous HitmodelNext Hit of the flood-tidal delta complex located landward of the tidal inlet. This Previous HitmodelNext Hit is based on the type, and vertical and lateral distribution of lithologic units, sedimentary structures, textures, and trace fossils.

A complete bayward vertical sequence in the flood-tidal delta complex consists (from base to top) of highly bioturbated bay clays and associated oyster reefs, highly bioturbated clayey sands/sandy clays of the delta margin, variably burrowed sand to shelly sand of the delta, and rooted or burrowed muds of the marsh or mud flat. Washover shell-hash deposits may occur at random intervals throughout this sequence. A more seaward sequence in the vicinity of San Luis Pass consists of a basal tidal inlet deposit of graded layers of sand and shell overlain by burrowed to shelly sand of the barrier spit.

This Previous HitmodelTop for microtidal flood-tidal deltas differs significantly from models presented for mesotidal flood-tidal delta systems in the general lack of large-scale, high-angle sedimentary structures; the presence of intense bioturbation; the presence of washover deposits; and the general upward-coarsening nature of the vertical sequence. Mesotidal flood-tidal deltas with clean, coarse to medium-grained sands may make good petroleum

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reservoirs. Microtidal flood-tidal deltas with highly bioturbated clayey sands to sandy clays would undoubtedly prove to be poor petroleum reservoirs.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists