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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 498

Last Page: 498

Title: Petrography, Diagenesis, and Depositional Setting of Glenn (Bartlesville) Sandstone, Berryhill Unit, Glenn Pool, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Michael D. Kuykendall


Petrography and physical stratigraphy of the "Glenn" (Bartlesville) sandstone in the 160-acre Berryhill unit, Glenn Pool, were established from 10 cores and more than 60 modern well logs. The reservoir mostly is sublitharenite to litharenite; lithic constituents chiefly are metamorphic rocks and rip-up clasts. Principal diagenetic minerals are kaolinite, chlorite, and illite. This evidence and data from the regional and local stratigraphic framework indicate that sands were upper delta-plain deposits. Logs of the closely spaced wells show moderately complex short-distance change in geometry of the sandstone and attendant reservoir heterogeneity. All this information is Previous HitintegralTop in ongoing plans for enhanced recovery and in current research on enhancement of well logs by s gnal processing.

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