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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 527

Last Page: 527

Title: Microcomputer-Assisted Subsurface Mapping: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Daniel E. Shier


In subsurface mapping, the productivity of the geologist is a function of the time spent on geologic work and the time spent on purely clerical work such as sorting well logs, and plotting values on maps. In my one-man consulting office, the clerical part of subsurface mapping is largely handled by a microcomputer and peripheral equipment costing $1,900. This same system doubles as a word processor, eliminating the need for secretarial help. Overall productivity is enhanced by 20-30%, paying out the hardware in less than 2 months.

The BASIC software consists of 3 modules. One builds a file of subsurface data elevations, formation tops, net sandstone, etc. A second rearranges data or deletes it from the data Previous HitbaseNext Hit. The third, a mapping module, plots one township at a time, at either 1 in. = 4,000 ft (1:48,000) or 1 in. = 2,000 ft (1:24,000) on a dot-matrix printer. Township plots are taped together and roughly contoured to find errors and possible prospects. After editing, the data is replotted and these new maps are used by the drafter as an underlay for spotting data on a mylar Previous HitbaseNext Hit Previous HitmapNext Hit.

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