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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 530

Last Page: 531

Title: Microcomputers and the Geoscientist: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Tedd F. Sperling


The microcomputer represents a technology that heretofore has not been afforded the professional. To the user, this technology renders a powerful advantage with respect to ease of data access and manipulation; increased security and user control; increased efficiency in processing and conveying information to management and clients; and most important, better informed and more accurate decision-making processes.

At this time, the primary oil and gas applications for the micro fall into 4 basic categories: (1) data base management such as well and reservoir data, client files, lease management, financial records, taxes, and accounting; (2) word processing for letter correspondence, contracts,

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leases, and invoices; (3) professional and scientific applications in contouring, mapping, well posting, geologic and Previous HitgeophysicalTop modeling, reservoir analysis, spreadsheet evaluations, and investment analysis; and (4) custom programming, that is, the program that provides a specific edge on the competition. Each category has its advantages and limitations, depending on the type of micro and the quality of the software. Additional categories will surface as the micro is accepted within the profession.

The microcomputer will undoubtedly become an integral part of our profession. The professional and personal adjustment to the micro will most certainly be bittersweet. As with all innovations, there are dangers of misconceptions and subsequent misuse of the micro. These dangers are not always apparent, and can deter its useful application. It is important to identify and understand the microcomputer, its uses, its strong points, and its limitations.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists