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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 534

Last Page: 534

Title: COGS--Computer Oriented Geological Society: ABSTRACT

Author(s): James A. Thomson


The Computer Oriented Geological Society (COGS), based in Denver, Colorado, is a professional organization of Previous HitgeologistsNext Hit and geophysicists that actively encourages application of computers to natural resource exploration and development. Founded in December 1982 as a user-oriented group, COGS is a network of earth scientists who both gain and contribute ideas and information regarding geologic computer applications. Dedicated to self-help and low-cost solutions, COGS offers a forum for discussion of common problems and allows new members to benefit from others' experience.

COGS membership ranges from Previous HitgeologistsNext Hit who are merely curious about the use of computers to geologist/programmers who write and market commercial geologic software. Most members own or have access to a computer, most often a microcomputer. The rapidly growing membership consists of more than 160 Previous HitgeologistsNext Hit and geophysicists in 12 states and 2 countries.

Monthly meetings feature a technical presentation followed by discussion. COGS has heard presentations concerning computer-aided mapping, species-diversity statistics, interactive geophysical modeling, double-Fourier analysis, and telecommunications, among others. Future presentations will include expert systems, geologic data-base management, well-log analysis, trend-surface analysis, and economic analysis of oil and gas prospects.

In addition to the monthly technical meeting, COGS publishes a catalog of all known geologic software for microcomputers, a membership directory, and a monthly newsletter. It also sponsors occasional workshops addressing some aspect of geologic computer work, co-sponsors the conference "Geo Tech '84: Personal Computers in Geology," and distributes a diskette of public domain programs of interest to the geologist.

The diskette features 13 programs, for generating an oil well decline curve, printing a township plat map, analyzing well logs, and others. As more programs are incorporated, it is likely that the diskette will be replaced by a collection of 3-4 diskettes providing a core of general purpose geologic programs available to all Previous HitgeologistsNext Hit.

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