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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 1818

Last Page: 1824

Title: Graphic Approach to Determination of Hydrocarbon Maturation in Overthrust Terrains

Author(s): Kevin P. Furlong (2), Janell D. Edman (3)

Article Type: Meeting abstract


With the current exploration efforts in areas of overthrust tectonics, it is important to evaluate, efficiently and effectively, the effects of thrust-related thermal perturbations on hydrocarbon maturation. A simple graphic technique, which combines Lopatin diagrams with theoretical models of temperatures in overthrust regimes, allows one to develop relatively detailed models for the timing of hydrocarbon maturation in overthrust terrains. These models provide the critical combination between rigorous consideration of thermal perturbations and simplification necessary for routine application. The approach described here is applicable not only in cases of simple overthrusting at the surface, but can also be modified to include the effects of multiple thrusting events, she ts thrust in the subsurface, and post-thrusting erosion. All of these models provide critical constraints on the timing of maturation and Previous HitmigrationTop, as well as information on the maturity of potential source rocks.

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