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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 68 (1984)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 1922

Last Page: 1922

Title: Influence of Depositional Environment on Type and Probability of Encountering Previous HitCoalNext Hit-Bed Discontinuities: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Carla A. Kertis


Predictive models that characterize Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed discontinuities enable mine operators to be better judges of the size, geometry, and influence of these features in unmined portions of the Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed. An analysis of depositional environments in initial geologic studies of prospective mine properties will indicate the specific types of Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed discontinuities that can be anticipated.

The type of Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed discontinuity and the frequency of occurrence are functions of the depositional environment. Peat, the precursor of Previous HitcoalNext Hit, accumulated in swamps that may form on fluvial plains, on delta plains, and in littoral areas. Using generalized depositional models for these environments, the types of Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed discontinuities that can be expected and an estimate of the likelihood of their occurrence can be determined. Previous HitCoalNext Hit beds deposited on fluvial plains generally are thin, erratic, and discontinuous because of the highly oxidizing character of this environment. Discontinuities due to irregular topography and fluvial channel activity are common, as displayed by Upper Pennsylvanian and Permian Previous HitcoalNext Hit beds of the Dunkard basin. Previous HitCoalNext Hit beds formed in deltaic settings are generally thick and laterally extensive, as they commonly infill broad interdistributary areas. These Previous HitcoalNext Hit beds are typically plagued by discontinuities associated with distributary channels (e.g., avulsion, splays). The Freeport and Kittanning Previous HitcoalNext Hit beds in west-central Pennsylvania demonstrate features characteristic of delta-plain coals and the discontinuities that beset them. Previous HitCoalNext Hit beds deposited landward of barrier bar sequences generally are irregular and are interrupted by tidal channels and washover deposits. The Pocahontas 3 Previous HitcoalNext Hit bed of southern West Virginia exhibits many of the characteristics of this paralic setting. Although some clastic dikes may be depositionally related, such discontinuities, as well as faulting, may be overprinted by tectonic activity on Previous HitcoalTop beds from any depositio al environment.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists