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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 69 (1985)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 242

Last Page: 242

Title: Sonograph Mosaic of Northern California and Southern Oregon Exclusive Economic Zone: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Previous HitDavidNext Hit A. Cacchione, Previous HitDavidTop E. Drake, Samuel H. Clarke, Douglas G. Masson

Article Type: Meeting abstract


During June 15 to July 9, 1984, the third leg of the cooperative U.S. Geological Survey-Institute of Oceanographic Sciences GLORIA survey of the conterminous United States Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) collected digital acoustic data off northern California and southern Oregon. The region covered during leg 3 extends from the 200-m isobath westward to the 375-km (200-nmi) EEZ boundary and from about 39° to 43°N. The survey used the IOS GLORIA long-range side-scan sonar, a 2-channel airgun seismic reflection system, and 3.5 kHz and 10 kHz high-resolution seismic systems. The GLORIA data were collected in a pattern that permitted overlapping coverage so that a mosaic of the sonographs could be constructed. These sonographs were slant-range and anamorphically corre ted aboard ship, and a mosaic was constructed at a scale of 1:375,000.

Among the most striking geomorphic features revealed in this segment of the EEZ is the Mendocino transform fault, which extends for more than 120 nmi along the northern base of the Mendocino fracture zone and delineates the southern boundary of the Gorda plate. Other features clearly revealed are the complex geometry of the Gorda rift valley, and the subparallel flanking ridges and dramatically deformed base of the continental slope at the eastern boundary of the Gorda plate. The data are presently being processed by image analytical techniques to enhance the fine-scale features such as sediment waves, slumps, and areas of differing sedimentary facies.

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