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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 69 (1985)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 262

Last Page: 262

Title: Application of Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling for Reservoir and Ore-Body Analysis: ABSTRACT

Author(s): D. E. Hamilton, J. L. Marie, G. M. Moon, F. J. Moretti, W. P. Ryman, R. S. Didur

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Three-dimensional computer modeling of reservoirs and ore bodies aids in understanding and exploiting these resources. This modeling tool enables the geologist and engineer to correlate in 3 dimensions, experiment with various geologic interpretations, combine variables to enhance certain geologic attributes, test for reservoir heterogeneities and continuity, select drill sites or perforation zones, determine volumes, plan production, generate geologic parameters for input to flow simulators, calculate tonnages and ore-waste ratios, and test sensitivity of reserves to various ore-grade cutoffs and economic parameters. All applications benefit from the ability to update rapidly the 3-dimensional computer models when new data are collected.

Two 3-dimensional computer modeling projects demonstrate these capabilities. The first project involves modeling porosity, permeability, and water saturation in a Malaysian reservoir. The models were used to analyze the relationship between water saturation and porosity and to generate geologic parameters for input to a flow simulator. The second project involves modeling copper, zinc, silver, gold, and specific gravity in a massive sulfide ore body in British Columbia. The 4 metal models were combined into one copper-equivalence model and evaluated for tonnage, stripping ratio, and sensitivity to variations of ore-grade cutoff.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists