The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2014; Issue: October
DOI: 10.1306/04301413177

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Figure 9. Fault-throw profiles of long individual faults (>2000 m [>6562 ft] length) which have numerous intersecting and abutting faults. (A) A 3-D diagram of an individual west-northwest–trending fault plane (fault 11-KUP) in the KUP horizon with throw contoured onto the fault plane; (B) a throw profile along the length of fault 11-KUP (see Figure 3C for location within the fault network); and (C) normalized throw profiles of numerous long individual faults within the network. Examples are taken from both the KUP and SAG horizons. Note the similarity to isolated-fault throw-length profiles.

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