The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2015; Issue: June
DOI: 10.1306/01191513191

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Figure 1 Generic hierarchy of heterogeneities within fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs across a range of lengthscales. Plan-view maps with corresponding cross sections oriented along depositional dip are shown for three orders of stratigraphic cycle: (A) vertically stacked shallow-marine tongues within a basinward-thinning wedge; (B) an individual shallow-marine tongue comprising compensationally stacked delta-lobe deposits; and (C) an individual delta-lobe deposit, showing selected clinoforms, which are marked by interfingering of facies-association belts. DC = distributary channel sandstones; SMB = stream-mouth-bar sandstones; pDF = proximal delta-front sandstones; dDF = distal delta-front heteroliths; PD = prodelta shales. Sedimentologic heterogeneity at smaller lengthscales is shown for (D) an upward-thickening succession of sediment gravity-flow sandstone beds bounded by clinoforms within the dDF facies-association belt; (E) the internal structure of an individual sediment gravity-flow sandstone bed; and (F) the microscopic lamination.

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