The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2015; Issue: June
DOI: 10.1306/01191513191

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Figure 12 (A) Distribution of facies-association belts near the top of the model of stacked delta-lobe deposits containing channelized fluvial sandstones (FC) (with the coastal-plain deposits shown in Figure 3E removed), showing the location of injection and production wells. Maps of water saturation after 10 yr of production, with a target oil production rate over 10 yr of BLTN13191eq116 (2200 bbl/day) for (B) model containing 0% barrier coverage along clinoforms and FC sandbody permeability (BLTN13191eq117) of BLTN13191eq118 md, and (C, D) models containing 90% barrier coverage along clinoforms with FC sandbody permeability (BLTN13191eq119) of (C) BLTN13191eq120 md, and (D) BLTN13191eq121 md. Sweep efficiency is reduced when the permeability of FC sandbodies is BLTN13191eq122 md. DC = distributary channel sandstones; SMB = stream-mouth-bar sandstones; pDF = proximal delta-front sandstones; dDF = distal delta-front heteroliths; PD = prodelta shales.

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