AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2016;
Issue: March
DOI: 10.1306/12111514166
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Figure 4. Relationship between facies proportions and distance from the fault core related to three fault throw categories. The functions are listed on the right. P (>20), i.e., the proportion of facies with deformation band density >20/m (orange bar), decreases away from the fault core and shows a power law relationship with the distance to the fault core (d). P (1–5) and P (0), i.e., the proportions of facies with deformation band density 1–5/m (red bar) and 0/m (blue bar), are increasing away from the fault core and show logarithmic relationships with the distance to the fault core (d). The proportion of facies with deformation band density 6–20/m is more or less constant throughout the damage zone.
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