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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin, V. 104, No. 1 (January 2020), P. 53-82.

Copyright ©2020. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1306/04241918149

Parameterizing parasequences: Importance of shelf Previous HitgradientNext Hit, shoreline trajectory, sediment supply, and autoretreat

R. Bruce Ainsworth,1 Jamie B. McArthur,2 Simon C. Lang,3 and Adam J. Vonk4

1Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd., Perth, Western Australia, Australia; [email protected]
2Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd., Perth, Western Australia, Australia; [email protected]
3Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd., Perth, Western Australia, Australia; present address: Centre for Energy Geoscience, School of Earth Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia; [email protected]
4Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd., Perth, Western Australia, Australia; [email protected]


The basic reservoir flow unit in shallow-marine depositional systems is the parasequence since it is bounded top and base by regionally extensive shales that can form barriers to fluid flow. As a result, it is the key stratigraphic unit requiring parameterization for both exploration and development purposes. A database comprising 3385 measurement points from 385 parasequences from 28 locations, and 16 different passive margin and foreland basins was compiled from outcrop and subsurface data. Analysis of the data suggests that a mean value for parasequence thickness is 17 m (56 ft); mean parasequence sandstone fraction is 0.60, and mean shoreface sand-body thickness is 8 m (26 ft). The mean maximum-parasequence-progradation-distance is 23 km (14 mi). The results indicate that there are two critical controls that can significantly vary the parameter values stated above: (1) stacked-shoreline trajectory or systems tract and (2) shelf Previous HitgradientNext Hit. The analyses indicate that shelf Previous HitgradientNext Hit is the most important parameter that has a first-order control on parasequence properties. Shelf Previous HitgradientNext Hit in the ancient can be approximated to high-Previous HitgradientNext Hit or low-to-moderate-Previous HitgradientNext Hit categories via analysis of parasequence thickness change versus progradation distance from wells, mean parasequence thickness, or mean progradation distance from seismic attribute data. Parasequence progradation distance is to some degree predictable if stacked-shoreline trajectory, shelf-Previous HitgradientTop category, and mean parasequence thickness are known. The data suggest that there are two types of parasequences: accommodation-dominated and supply-dominated parasequences. The progradation distance of these parasequences are controlled by delta autoretreat mechanisms modulated by the combination of fifth- and fourth-order Milankovitch-scale, orbitally forced, climate-change–driven, sediment-supply cycles interacting with eustatically and tectonically driven accommodation cycles.

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