The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2020; Issue: June DOI: 10.1306/0122201618217407
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Figure 22. Diamondoid maturity parameters plot showing very high maturity in the Niger Delta oils (equivalent vitrinite reflectance [Roe] of 1.1%–1.6%). Note the lower maturity of the North Sea oil when compared to the Niger Delta oils (modified after Chen et al., 1996). MAI (%) = 100 × 1-methyadamantane/(1- + 2-) methyladamantane; MDI (%) = 100 × 4-methyldiamantane/(4- + 1- + 3-) methyldiamantane.
Figure 22. Diamondoid maturity parameters plot showing very high maturity in the Niger Delta oils (equivalent vitrinite reflectance [Roe] of 1.1%–1.6%). Note the lower maturity of the North Sea oil when compared to the Niger Delta oils (modified after Chen et al., 1996). MAI (%) = 100 × 1-methyadamantane/(1- + 2-) methyladamantane; MDI (%) = 100 × 4-methyldiamantane/(4- + 1- + 3-) methyldiamantane.