The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2021; Issue: October
DOI: 10.1306/04232120046

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Figure 13. Seismic section across one of the grabens in the three-dimensional seismic surveys of Figure 12A (graben is indicated by the green ellipse in the seismic section). The graben is infilled primarily by the basal Utica Group, which overlies the Trenton Group. In the enlarged inset, the infill is indicated by the black blob. Note that the reflectors above the infill pass over the graben with little offset. The infill suggests a late Trenton Group to earliest Utica Group time of deposition for primary development of the rhombochasm. Arrow indicates probable offset of Lorraine reflector. The vertical scale is correct for units above the Trenton Group.

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