The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2023;
Issue: May
DOI: 10.1306/09142221207
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Figure 7. Graphs showing data from submarine-fan stratigraphic trap analogues and prospect A. (A) Burial-depth relationship for analogous reservoirs with normal pressure gradient (overpressured analogues include Mars, Who Dat, Pompano, and Ram-Powell fields in United States and Erha field in Nigeria). (B) Hydrocarbon column height versus trap flank dip. Boundary lines are projected on the same plane as the trend line based on the furthest minimum and maximum analogue outliers. Prospect A lies above the maximum analogue boundary line. k = thousand; R2 = coefficient of determination; TVDML = true vertical depth below mudline.