The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2023;
Issue: May
DOI: 10.1306/09232222051
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Figure 11.
(A) Decision tree showing the expected monetary value (EMV) of drilling at the crest. The two black squares show that there is an option to drill a downdip appraisal well if there is a discovery (disc), which is pursued here. Note that this evaluation does not have a physical well location. The probabilities (Prob.) of the branches are based on the percent of the total number of simulation trials that exceed the minimum commercial field size (MCFS). (B) Decision tree for a location 400 ac downdip. The upper two black squares show that there is an option to drill a downdip appraisal well if there is a discovery, which is not pursued here. The lower black square indicates the option to drill an updip appraisal well if the location is a dry hole, but this is not pursued here. Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), Prob., and net present value (NPV) from