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AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2023; Issue: August
DOI: 10.1306/04042322097

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Figure 36. Seismic panel showing an example of Zechstein Group salt withdrawal from a trough in United Kingdom Continental Shelf block 49/01 and consequent thickening to form structural closure and carbon capture, utilization, and storage prospect 44/26-CS1. The Bunter Shale forms an effective seal for the Rotliegend Group where thinning and touchdown (welding) of the supra- and subsalt section occurs and hence, forms a buffer preventing leakage up into the Bunter Sandstone Formation. The correlated well-log plot shows that the top Bunter Sandstone Formation interface is characterized by a “soft” transition over this area, indicating favorable reservoir properties and a lack of significant cementation. AI = acoustic impedance; Fm. = Formation; GR = gamma ray; Grp. = Group; imp = impedance; Mem. = Member; Sst. = Sandstone; Synth. = synthetic seismogram; TVDSS = true vertical depth subsea; Ucf. = unconformity.

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