The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


AAPG Bulletin; Year: 2023; Issue: November
DOI: 10.1306/10152221163

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Figure 11. Wheeler diagram showing sequence stratigraphic (Seq. Strat.) architecture (A), the distribution of the sedimentary facies in the Velkerri, Moroak, and Kyalla Formations (B), the variation of the relative sea level (C), and chemosequences (D) (chemosequences derived from Munday and Forbes, 2020). BSFR = basal surface of forced regression; Fm. = Formation; fs = flooding surface; FSST = falling stage systems tract; HST = highstand systems tract; Mbr. = Member; MFS = maximum flooding surface; SB = sequence boundary; Sds. = Sandstone; TS = transgressive surface; TST = transgressive systems tract.

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