AAPG Bulletin;
Year: 2024;
Issue: February
DOI: 10.1306/12202222033
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Figure 21.
Flow simulation results for the layered model (see Figure 19B). The black curve is the cumulative production when there is cross-facies flow in the Wolfcamp A model. The red curve is the cumulative production when there is no cross-facies flow, and it represents the lower bound performance in the Wolfcamp A model. The gray curve is the cumulative production when there is cross-facies flow, and the permeability in the high-permeability layer is very high (i.e., 109 nd); it represents the upper bound performance in the Wolfcamp A model. The blue curve is the cumulative production when there is cross-facies flow in the Wolfcamp B model. The dashed lines represent the matched production behavior in the Wolfcamp A (green) and Wolfcamp B (orange) using a single upscaled permeability (kups) in a homogeneous model. The recovery factor (RF) is the cumulative produced pore volume over the maximum producible pore volume for the given model parameters. The RF is 100% when the pore pressure in the domain equilibrates with the pressure in the fracture. The horizontal axis is represented as to illustrate that recovery rate declines as early on, and then it declines exponentially when the pressure drops below the initial pressure at the reservoir boundaries (see Patzek et al., 2013).
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