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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 38 (1990), No. 1. (March), Pages 171-172

C.S.P.G. 1990 Convention, "Basin Perspectives"

Computer-Assisted Regional Mapping for Petroleum Exploration Modelling in the Western Canada Sedimentary Province [Abstract]

Lyatsky, V.B.1


In 1989-90, 20 regional maps were generated at Home Oil to provide explorationists with a synopsis of the Paleozoic petroleum geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Province. The principal goal was to summarize the most reliable data in a visual manner, and at a reasonable scale of 1:1,500,000, to encourage more regional and local exploration

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modelling. Another aim was the identification of new approaches and new plays for finding significant hydrocarbon concentrations in Paleozoic sequences. The work is based on the principles of integrated geological basin analysis, as formulated by Potter and Pettijohn (1977), and Lyatsky (1988). Ideally, all available geological, geophysical and geochemical data should be incorporated in this analysis. Unfortunately, some types of data (hydrogeological, geothermal, geochemical and lithological) are either unreliable in a regional context and too controversial, or too costly to acquire (lithological data). As a result, the following regional maps have been chosen: for geology - differential relief of the most consistent surfaces and isopachs between them; for geophysics - Bouguer gravity and total magnetic intensity and derived third-order residual and horizontal gradient maps. The horizonal gradient maps are the most useful for interpreting geology because they represent a combined presentation of Previous HitmagnitudeTop and direction of the gradient values. Several limitations are imposed by the existing databases, such as the lack of flexibility of the Petrodata file, and the unsurveyed areas in the GSC datasets. ZYCOR and CAD systems were used for numerous calculations in the production of the final maps.

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1 Lyatsky Geoscience Research and Consulting, and Home Oil Company Limited

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