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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 38 (1990), No. 1. (March), Pages 182-182

C.S.P.G. 1990 Convention, "Basin Perspectives"

Event Stratigraphy Within the Winterburn-Woodbend Strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin [Abstract]

Switzer, S.1,2, Packard, J.1,3, Abbott, L.1,4, Christie, D.1,5, Graf, G.1,6, Howell, S.1,7, McCauley, R.1,8, Watts, N.1,9, Whitby, P.1,10, Wierzbicki, R.1,11


The Winterburn-Woodbend succession has been redefined using event stratigraphy as opposed to the traditional lithostratigraphic approach. Carbonate reservoirs in the Upper Devonian Woodbend-Winterburn succession collectively account for approximately 66 per cent of Western Canada's initial conventional oil reserves. Consequently, utilization of event stratigraphy could lead to new exploration opportunities within the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.

An event-stratigraphic framework has been developed that closely approximates the division of the Woodbend-Winterburn Previous HitsequenceNext Hit into time-bounded units. This framework was established by repicking and correlating 10,000+ wells on the basis of traceable "time-synchronous" Previous HitlogNext Hit events which give a better illustration of the macro-depositional processes and overall basin evolution.

Six major bounding events with associated basin infill and/or reef development are recognized. The upper-bounding event for the Woodbend-Winterburn succession, used in this study, is congruent with the Frasnian-Famennian boundary as defined from outcrop in the Northwest Territories. In the subsurface, this event correlates with a marker just below the base of the Graminia Silt. The second major event corresponds to the base of the Calmar Formation, and the third is equivalent to the base of the Nisku Formation as defined in the Chevron Norcen 7-4-49-12 W5M reference Previous HitwellNext Hit. Specifically, this event correlates with the industry defined 'Z' marker within the basin-fill sequences and can be confidently correlated over much of the basin. The fourth major event approximates the termination of the traditional Woodbend reef-building and basin-fill Previous HitsequenceTop. The top of the Cooking Lake Formation and its equivalents represent the fifth event. The final, lower-bounding event for the Woodbend-Winterburn succession corresponds approximately to the base of the Cooking Lake Formation and equivalents.

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2 Chevron Canada Resources, Calgary T2P 0L7

3 Esso Resources Canada, Calgary T2P 0H6

4 Consultant, Calgary T2L 0M6

5 Consultant, Calgary T2M 3H7

6 Chevron Canada Resources, Calgary T2P 0L7

7 Esso Resources Canada, Calgary T2P 0H6

8 Esso Resources Canada, Calgary T2P 0H6

9 AEC Oil and Gas Company, Calgary T2P 0M9

10 Victoria University of Manchester, U.K. M13 9PL

11 PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd., Calgary T2P 2S5

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