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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


The Mesozoic of Middle North America: A Selection of Papers from the Symposium on the Mesozoic of Middle North America, Calgary, Alberta, Canada — Memoir 9, 1984
Pages 401-411
Specific Field Studies

Sandstone Body Geometry, Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Quality and Hydrocarbon Trapping Previous HitMechanismsNext Hit in Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, Taber/ Turin Area, Southern Alberta

M. Hradsky, M. Griffin


The Taber, Ostracode and Glauconitic formations of the Taber-Turin area have proved to be significant hydrocarbon producers, however, the relatively small size of individual sandstone reservoirs and the complex stratigraphy has made this a difficult development area. A complete understanding of the environment of deposition of the Taber, Ostracode and Glauconitic formations and the recognition of four different entrapment styles are necessary for accurate modelling of seismic anomalies and for prediction of hydrocarbon occurrences. The varied Previous HitreservoirNext Hit qualities of the three formations were defined to aid in selection of well spacing and secondary recovery schemes in known fields in the area. The Taber and Glauconitic formations are in communication with the Mississippian aquifer and the resulting water Previous HitdriveTop is responsible for high (20 to 30 percent) primary recovery factors.

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