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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Sedimentology of Gravels and Conglomerates — Memoir 10, 1984
Pages 77-85
Fluvial Processes

Characteristics and Origin of Cluster Bedforms in Coarse-Grained Alluvial Channels

Andrew C. Brayshaw


Cluster bedforms, closely nested groups of clasts aligned parallel to flow, are the prevalent type of Previous HitbedNext Hit microtopography in poorly sorted gravel-Previous HitbedNext Hit streams. They have been studied in natural channels with a wide range of clast shape and size; relationships between cluster bedform geometry and properties of the channel Previous HitbedNext Hit material are identified. Clusters are found to range in length from 0.1–1.2 m in a streamwise direction. Using flume experiments, it has been possible to simulate the formation of clusters resembling those found in natural channels. Observations of cluster formation indicate that these bedforms are developed during falling stage from flood discharges as particles are deposited around exceptionally large clasts which act as obstacles in the flow. Cluster bedforms play a significant role in sediment transport: they delay incipient motion and limit the availability of Previous HitbedTop material for transportation.

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