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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Sedimentary Basins and Basin-Forming Mechanisms — Memoir 12, 1987
Pages 205-212
Models of Extensional Basins

Thermal-Mechanical Evolution of Extensional Basins: Problems of Non-Unique Interpretation

Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Kevin P. Furlong


The mechanical history of a small extensional basin is closely linked to the thermal evolution of the lithosphere. An assumption about one (either the mechanical or the thermal history) will restrict the conclusions reached regarding the other. In this study, the relationship between these two primary controls on extensional basin behaviour is evaluated to demonstrate the need for constraints on forward models of basin evolution. The sensitivity of forward models to variations in two-dimensional conductive heat transfer, effective flexural rigidity, extension (β) factor, and lateral extent of stretching and sedimentation on the resulting Previous HitgeometryNext Hit, subsidence history, and basin heat flux is assessed. Our results indicate that the amount and distribution of crustal extension cannot be inferred from the final basin Previous HitgeometryNext Hit. The variability in mechanical response possible for most basin environments allows the development of indistinguishable basin geometries and subsidence histories from quite different original extension patterns. Therefore, basin Previous HitgeometryNext Hit and subsidence history will not uniquely determine the stretching and thermal history of a particular basin.

Although the nature of the mechanical response of the lithosphere (local or regional compensation, elastic or viscous behaviour) normally must be assumed, the thermal history and crustal structure can be partially constrained by using existing techniques. Examination of basin sediments can also help to constrain the timing of initial subsidence and changes in basin Previous HitgeometryTop through time.

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