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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Pangea: Global Environments and Resources — Memoir 17, 1994
Pages 701-712

Non-Waulsortian Mississippian Bioherms: A Comparative Analysis

G. E. Webb


The Mississippian was a period of recovery for Previous HitbiohermNext Hit communities following the Frasnian-Famennian extinction event, but Mississippian bioherms do not represent the result of a single, “primitive,” evolving “reef” community. The distribution and succession of Mississippian Previous HitbiohermNext Hit types was controlled by regional tectonostratigraphic settings and local environments of deposition, not by evolution of a global Previous HitbiohermNext Hit community. Previous HitBiohermNext Hit communities did “evolve” during the Mississippian, but independently in isolated geographic areas. Non-Waulsortian bioherms were diverse, but most were dominated by microbial communities and local, or endemic, opportunistic, skeletal framebuilders such as bryozoans, corals, sponges and algae. Few Previous HitbiohermNext Hit constructors were cosmopolitan. Each geographic region had a relatively unique history of Previous HitbiohermTop development during the Mississippian.

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