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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Core Conference: CSPG-SEPM Joint Convention, with the Participation of the Global Sedimentary Geology Program and the Geol. Survey of Canada, 1997
Pages 121-128

Comparison of Simultaneous Acoustic and Resistivity Images in a Cored Nisku Interval, Southern Alberta

Ian F. Smith, Richard C. Thom


Lithologic, textural, and sedimentologic evaluations from wellbore logging devices have advanced significantly in recent years. Today, the ability to determine even the smallest geologic details and/or features is possible. The successful correlation of borehole images with core has increased acceptance among geoscientists, and as this acceptance grows, so grows the evaluation techniques and interpretational skills among those who use these data sets.

Today, with the combined attributes of both resistivity and acoustic generated images, a more definitive picture of reservoir character can be achieved. The differences in the physics of the two measuring devices provides for two perspectives of the borehole environment. Images of the two systems complement one another, with the dissimilarities often bringing additional formation characteristics to the forefront. This paper addresses the integration of these two different Previous HittypesTop of borehole images.

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