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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Dallas Geological Society


Petroleum Geology of the Fort Worth Basin and Bend Arch Area, 1982
Pages 289-304

Electric Logging Techniques – Fort Worth Basin

Bill Stallsworth


There are several methods currently in use to evaluate formations penetrated by wells drilled in the Fort Worth basin. One most often used, wireline logging, utilizes a diverse and unusually effective arsenal of tools to aid the geologist or engineer.

The proper suite of open Previous HitholeTop logs can make possible the following:

1. Provide data for making decisions at the well site whether to run pipe or abandon the well.

2. Allow detailed correlation to insure that the well has penetrated all the objective zones. Stratigraphic and structural studies are also possible.

3. Supply the necessary information for more comprehensive computer evaluation by either the service company or client personnel.

In both No. 1 and No. 3 above on-site computers in the logging trucks allow data acquisition and display in various formats. Logs are recorded in engineering units, (microseconds per foot, ohms/meter2/meter, and grams per cubic centimeter) and stored on magnetic tape cartridges. This data can be converted to a 9-track tape for use by the client on their in-house computer system.

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