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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Dallas Geological Society


Petroleum Geology of the Fort Worth Basin and Bend Arch Area, 1982
Pages 315-329

Geology of North Caddo Area Stephens County, Texas

Dennis W. Browning


The North Caddo area produces from multiple horizons of sandstones, conglomerates and carbonates. The lighology, trapping mechanisms, and multiple pays are typical of many areas in the Fort Worth basin. Oil and gas production is produced from the Ellenburger (Cambro-Ordovician), the Comyn (Mississippian), Big Saline (Middle Pennsylvanian), Caddo (Middl Pennsylvanian), and Strawn (Middle Pennsylvanian) formations. This paper is designed to review geological and reservoir aspects of the main fields of the area.

The use of local nomenclature, such as Lower Pennsylvanian “Marble Falls”, and the Mississippian “Duffer” can and has created confusion when correlations are being made. An understanding of the local nomenclature and its relationship to more widely used terminology will eliminate most correlation problems.

With the relatively high density of Previous HitwellNext Hit control, standard subsurface mapping procedures are the primary exploration tool. Structure, porosity, field production, and isopach maps, when used in combination, give an excellent evaluation of the area. One and two Previous HitwellTop fields, along with shows in dry and abandoned wells, give excellent leads to new production.

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