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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Four Corners Geological Society


Geology of Cataract Canyon and Vicinity, Tenth Field Conference, 1987
Pages 193-200

Origin of Saline Springs in Cataract Canyon, Utah

Helen M. Nuckolls, Bryan L. McCulley


Stable isotopic data from springs issuing from the Honaker Trail Previous HitFormationNext Hit in Cataract Canyon indicate that the springs have a large component of meteoric water and a small component of older, more saline water. Ionic ratios suggest that salt dissolution accounts for the salinity in the springs. This water of salt dissolution may have come from discharge of Leadville Limestone water or, more likely, from discharge of water recharged in the Grabens of the Needles fault zone that migrated to the impermeable Paradox Previous HitFormationNext Hit and dissolved salt in transit to discharge in Cataract Canyon. The saline water probably does not represent a component of Honaker Trail or Elephant Canyon Previous HitformationTop waters as they are found in the formations near Davis and Lavender Canyons located about 20 to 25 miles east of Cataract Canyon.

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