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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 8 (1958), Pages 171-181

Ostracode Genus Cushmanidea

Harbans S. Puri


Ostracode genus Cushmanidea Blake is redescribed and refigured on the basis of new specimens. Restudy of type species of Cushmanidea and its allied genera show that type species Pontocythere Dubovsky, 1939 (P. tchernijawskii Dubovsky), Hemicytherideis Ruggieri, 1952 (Cytheridea elongata Brady) and Cushmanidea Blake, 1933 (Cytheridea seminuda Cushman) are congeneric; therefore, Cushmanidea being the older name has priority over both Pontocythere and Hemicytherideis. A new genus, Hulingsina, (type species H. tuberculata Puri, n. sp.) is erected to include tuberculate or coarsely pitted neocytherideid species in which the posterior is subacute and the dorsal half of the posterior end is oblique. Two new species of Hulingsina, H. tuberculata and H. sandersi are described from the Recent of the West Coast of Florida and Gulf of Mexico.

The subfamily Neocytherideidinae is revised and a key to the relationships and distinguishing characteristics of the various genera classified under this family is given. The structure and evolution of this subfamily is discussed. The genus Cushmanidea is thought to have stemmed from Schuleridea stock late in the Jurassic times. The development of other neocytherideid genera from Cushmanidea is discussed and their probable origin is shown. The geologic range of Cushmanidea and Hulingsina is shown on two charts.

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