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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 21 (1971), Pages 83-95

Origin and Chronology of Alabama River Terraces

R. W. Maxwell, Jr. (1)


Investigation of high fluvial terraces along the Alabama River indicates that the highest terraces (120+ m above the flood plain) may predate the Citronelle Formation. Preliminary radiometric age determinations suggest that all of Quaternary history may be represented by those terraces less than 55 m above the present flood plain. The Citronelle surface in southwestern Alabama shows differential warping due to subsidence of the Gulf Coast geosyncline and uplift of the adjacent upland. Rates of uplift were roughly 1.2 cm per 103 years.

The average rate of river entrenchment prior to North American Pleistocene glaciation was about 2.5 cm per 103 years. During glacial Pleistocene time, the maximum net rate of river entrenchment may have been as great as 7 cm per 103 years. Observation of fluvial features such as meander scrolls show that for terraces more than 60 m above the flood plain, (i.e. more than 1.1x106 years old), meander scrolls have been obliterated. Likewise, terrace surfaces older than 1.6x106 years are mostly destroyed. For deposits older than 3.5x106 years, primary structures have been obliterated, and the only evidence of these oldest terrace deposits is chaotic blankets of alluvium.

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