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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 25 (1975), Pages 80-84

McNeal Field, Jasper County, Mississippi a Unique Jurassic Oil Accumulation

Charles A. Barton (1)


McNeal Field is significant because it is a unique oil accumulation which is quite different from other Jurassic fields in the Southeastern United States. The productive zone is a Haynesville-Buckner sand immediately overlying the Jurassic Haynesville-Buckner carbonate-evaporite Previous HitsequenceTop.

Exploration efforts on the prospect extended over a period of several years prior to the discovery.

The productive sand appears to be an offshore bar that separated the Jurassic carbonate-evaporite sea and the near-shore area of sand accumulation. Immediately overlying the productive sand interval is a thin impervious limestone, representing a slight transgressive phase of the Haynesville-Buckner carbonate sea. It is this limestone which forms the seal for the reservoir and results in a unique oil accumulation.

The Field is still relatively young, but appears to be a very good commercial venture.

The Field does not appear to be the type that would warrant a strong exploration effort in a rank wildcat area. The Field points out the need for more detailed stratigraphic studies of the Jurassic beds.

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