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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 28 (1978), Pages 131-141

Formation Evaluation with Logs in the Ark-La-Tex Cotton Valley

R. W. Frank (1)


This paper discusses how logs can he used to evaluate the low-porosity, low-permeability, Cotton Valley sandstones and limestones of the South Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas areas.

Revisions and improvements to the SARABAND (FOOTNOTE *) technique have significantly enhanced reservoir Previous HitanalysisNext Hit from computer-processed interpretations in these tight, gas-bearing formations. The Dual Induction/Sonic Previous HitlogNext Hit combination and the Density Compensated Previous HitlogNext Hit/Compensated Neutron Previous HitlogNext Hit combination provide the Previous HitlogTop data needed, while the Rwa and Ro overlay quick-looks are both available from the Dual Induction/Sonic combination.

Most Cotton Valley sandstones fall into the two general classifications of channel-like or bar-like deposits. Examples are given of how the High Resolution Dipmeter can help define these stratigraphic features.

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