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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 36 (1986), Pages 121-128

Growth Faults and Previous HitFaultNext Hit-Related Structures of Prograding Terrigenous Clastic Continental Margins

William E. Galloway (1)


Growth faults are the structural manifestation of the inherent tensional stress Previous HitregimeNext Hit that is focused at the upwardly convex margin of a prograding continental platform. Extension and faulting may be triggered by either gravitational gliding or spreading. Extensional faulting results in both lateral translation and subsidence of the down-faulted sediment mass. Consequently, outer platform and upper slope facies are expanded and disproportionately preserved relative to paralic or deep-water facies. Specific growth-Previous HitfaultNext Hit geometries and patterns are related in part to the depositional history and style of the prograding margin. Unusually continuous and low-angle master faults are proposed to result from a history of rapid progradation of a deltaic depocenter onto an older retrograditional slope. Growth-Previous HitfaultTop zones function as major conduits for large-scale circulation of both ground waters and hydrocarbon fluids within the sedimentary prism.

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