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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 40 (1990), Pages 21-30

South Lake Previous HitArthurNext Hit Field Analysis of a Frio Unstable Shelf Delta Sequence

Joseph M. Battle, Jr. (1)


Continued development of South Lake Previous HitArthurNext Hit Field, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, has given geologists some apparent answers as to the true nature of the productive Miogypsinoides sp. (Miogyp) feature. It appears to be a large, structurally simple, pressure connected, east-west oriented anticlinal structure developed on the downthrown side of a major east-west down to the basin growth fault system.

The stratigraphic sequence at South Lake Previous HitArthurNext Hit Field fits the unstable shelf delta model (personal communication with Dr. Ram Saxena). Deposition of a thick sequence of plastic prodelta shales immediately preceded a major regressive Miogyp delta system. Component sand bodies within this complex conform paleogeographically to the model, with a central depopod of distributary mouth bars, flanked seaward by beach sands, and capped by a classic reworked sand. The Miogyp delta system continued building for a long duration of time due to rapid compaction, subsidence, and flowage of the underlying shales, which resulted in the dumping of a thick sediment load on the downthrown side of a large down to the basin growth fault.

Although South Lake Previous HitArthurNext Hit Field is structurally simple, the Miogyp through Camerina sp. section is stratigraphically very complex. Paleostructural analysis, using interval isopach maps, is necessary to properly interpret this section. Interval isopach maps reveal correct depositional strike (paleostrike) correlations. These isopach maps also depict a stratigraphically complex growth history of the South Lake Previous HitArthurTop Field structure. Shifting depositional patterns and unconformities all relate to the plastic core of prodelta shale underlying the Miogyp delta system.

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