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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Previous HitGeologicalNext Hit Societies Transactions
Vol. 40 (1990), Pages 87-97

Previous HitComputerNext Hit Aided Mapping of the Hackberry Unconformity in Northeastern Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

Thomas C. Chandler (1), Gary L. Kinsland (1)


The Hackberry unconformity is an important stratigraphic feature that, while recognized, has not received the attention due such a significant horizon. It is at least regional in extent, as it underlies the Hackberry embayment of southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana, and there is current speculation that it could be part of a larger interregional unconformity associated with a major eustatic sea level fall in the Middle Oligocene. It is a proven hydrocarbon trapping horizon in Beckwith Creek field of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, yet little effort has been made to exploit this trapping mechanism elsewhere. Unfortunately, it suffers the same stigma of unpredictability as the sands of the overlying basal Hackberry turbidites which are very erratic. However, there is a group of more predictable reservoir sands that is also associated with the Hackberry unconformity. They are pre-Hackberry erosion, but post-Nonion struma deposition and have been truncated by the unconformity. Beckwith Creek field produces from these beds. Recognition of the facts that the basal Hackberry turbidites lie immediately above, and the post-Nonion struma sands immediately below, the unconformity along with accurate differentiation between the two sections are keys to identification and mapping of the unconformity. Detailed mapping of the unconformity can pinpoint areas of interest such as highs that have potential for production from the underlying post-Nonion struma sands, and lows that have potential for production from the overlying ponded and/or channel sands of the Hackberry turbidite section.

Previous HitComputerNext Hit programs have been utilized for rapid creation of preliminary graphic displays of the Hackberry unconformity. With inputs of only map loci and depths to the unconformity the Previous HitcomputerNext Hit created preliminary contour maps and three-dimensional perspective diagrams that provided visual evidence of general horizon trends, apparent fault escarpments, possible channel cuts and other structural features. These Previous HitcomputerNext Hit generated surfaces have been used as guides in more detailed and comprehensive mapping. The results of our studies illustrate that viable Previous HitcomputerTop graphics products, made possible by accurate identification of the Hackberry unconformity, may be the impetus needed to generate interest in this important, but mostly overlooked, horizon.

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