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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 40 (1990), Pages 217-226

Well Logging and Completion Technology for Horizontal Wellbores

Walter H. Fertl (1), Sid B Nice (2)


In highly deviated boreholes, and particularly in horizontal wellbores, special hardware systems are needed to guide, push, and/or pump the logging instrument assembly toward the bottom of the wellbore.

This paper discusses the basic pipe-conveyed logging (PCL) systems and the coiled-tubing-conveyed (CTC) system that have been used successfully for completion and perforating applications in horizontal wellbores in the U. S., Canada, Europe, and South America. Openhole and cased hole field applications, with emphasis on the Cretaceous Austin Chalk in Texas and the Bakken shale in the Williston basin, illustrate today's technology and review advantages and possible constraints of these well logging and completion techniques.

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