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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 40 (1990), Pages 661-683

Use of Organic Petrology and Graphic Previous HitCorrelationNext Hit of Previous HitBiostratigraphicNext Hit Data in Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations: Example from the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary Section, St. Stephens Quarry, Alabama

Mark A. Pasley, Joseph E. Hazel (1)


The type and preservation of organic matter is related to the depositional systems tract in which the sediments were deposited. Shelf sediments in the transgressive systems tract contain sparse, highly degraded phytoclasts whereas organic matter in the highstand systems tract is dominated by well preserved phytoclasts introduced to the shelf during progradation. Because of this relationship, integration of data from organic petrology with sedimentologic and Previous HitbiostratigraphicNext Hit results provides greater resolution in locating critical surfaces (sequence boundaries, transgressive surfaces, and surfaces of maximum starvation) that bound depositional systems tracts within the depositional sequence.

The Eocene-Oligocene shelf sediments exposed in St. Stephens Quarry, Alabama provide an excellent example of the relationship between depositional systems tract and organic matter deposition. Deposition of the Shubuta Clay in the transgressive systems tract terminated with the surface of maximum starvation. This surface is marked by a thin (<2 cm), laterally extensive, phosphate-rich shell hash that contains only minor amounts of highly degraded phytoclasts. Graphic Previous HitcorrelationNext Hit of Previous HitbiostratigraphicTop data from six microfossil groups and pectinid mollusks indicates that the shell hash represents a hiatus of about 0.29 million years. Deposition in the subsequent highstand systems tract resulted in an increase in well preserved phytoclasts in the overlying Red Bluff Clay/Bumpnose Limestone. A transgressive surface forms the contact between the Red Bluff Clay and a thin tongue of the Mint Springs Marl. Phytoclasts are much less common in the Mint Springs above the transgressive surface than in the Red Bluff below. No hiatus is recorded at this surface suggesting that the type 2 sequence boundary is conformable at this section and may exist in the Red Bluff below the transgressive surface. This integrated approach confirms and refines previous sequence stratigraphic work performed on this important Gulf Coast section.

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