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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 43 (1993), Pages 327-332

Analysis of the Relationship Between Seismic Amplitudes and Gas Content of the Miocene Amos Sandstone, Mary Ann Field, Offshore Alabama

Linda Turnley Reif, Dr. Gary L. Kinsland


Seismic amplitude anomalies within the Amos sandstone, Miocene age, were previously identified from a Previous Hit3-DNext Hit seismic survey in the Mary Ann Field, offshore Alabama. Production of gas from the Amos sandstone in the Field appeared to correlate with the amplitude anomalies. This study establishes a quantitative relationship between the net feet of gas and seismic amplitude response. Since the Amos sandstone in this field has a constant porosity, gas sand thicknesses can be directly predicted as opposed to predicting porosity-feet of gas. The result of the modeling is a plot of seismic amplitude (scaled in units from both the synthetic studies and from the field survey) versus net feet of gas. Using these values, the contours on the map of seismic amplitudes from the Previous Hit3-DTop survey are assigned values of net feet of gas, yielding a map of gas thickness in the Amos sandstone.

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