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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 44 (1994), Pages 321-326

Parasequence-Bounding Sandy Event Beds, Upper Cretaceous, Alabama

David T. King, Jr., Previous HitMichaelTop C. Skotnicki


Part of the Upper Cretaceous Blufftown Formation in Alabama consists of thin shelfal parasequences composed of high-energy storm event beds and intercalated fine-grained, inner-shelf sediments. In a nearshore-to-shelf direction, individual correlative storm event beds display a lateral gradation from (1) a distal lower-shoreface sandy conglomerate containing abundant Exogyra valves, to (2) an inner-shelf graded coquinoid sandstone, and ultimately to (3) a shelf hummocky cross-stratified silty sandstone. Individual storm event beds have lateral continuity over many miles. These storm event beds are interpreted to have been deposited initially from low-slope turbidity currents produced by cyclic loading of shoreface sands by powerful storm waves, and subsequent modification by deep-acting storm waves. The shelf parasequences occur in the high-stand systems tracts of two depositional sequences within the Blufftown Formation. Estimated average periodicity for the sandy event beds is consistent with obliquity-induced climatic cycles of approximately 41 ka duration.

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