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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 44 (1994), Pages 657-661

Synergetic Catalysis in Hydrocarbon Generation

Robert W. Sabate (1), Claude C. Baker (2)


Thermogenesis as the sole origin of hydrocarbons has been questioned by Gulf Coast geologists for two reasons: (1) lack of thermally mature source beds except on the basin's Mesozoic rim and (2) persuasive empirical evidence of shallow, early generation, migration, and emplacement. Enigmatically, even subsequent deeper burial of the reservoirs has not resulted in thermal maturity. However, recent laboratory research has identified several natural catalysts that significantly lower temperatures needed for conversion of organic materials into hydrocarbons. Perhaps synergism among these or as-yet-undiscovered catalysts, together with geologic reaction times, is capable of producing hydrocarbons at temperatures low enough for early emplacement.

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