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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 53 (2003), Pages 859-865

Miocene Lower Vertebrates from Fort Polk, LA: a Preliminary Report

Michael J. Williams, Judith A. Schiebout


Miocene vertebrates were first recovered from Fleming Formation outcrops on Fort Polk in western Louisiana in 1993, and most Fort Polk fossils are most closely comparable to animals of the Texas Cold Spring Local Fauna. Recently, the focus of research has changed to include the study of the lower vertebrates from the Fort Polk sites. The lower vertebrate faunal analysis will be used to gain a better understanding of the paleoenvironments of the Gulf Coast during the late Miocene and aide to constrain the biostratigraphy of east Texas and Louisiana Miocene Previous HitageTop sites.

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