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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 2012
Pages 73-91

Seismic Facies Study of Previous Hit3DNext Hit Seismic Previous HitDataNext Hit, Northern Louisiana, Wilcox Formation

Kaare Egedahl, Gary L. Kinsland, Dan Han


The lower Wilcox of northern Louisiana is a known producer of coalbed natural gas (CBNG). The difficulty with identifying coals within a fluvial-deltaic clastic sequence lies in the horizontal heterogeneity and complexity of the depositional environments in which coals are formed. The lateral extents of known coalbeds were constrained within a seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit volume made available by Devon Energy, covering all of Township 8N–3W and portions of 8N–2W and 8N–4W, located in northern Grant Parish. Coalbed extent was determined by utilizing the combination of well log’s high vertical resolution and conventional Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit’s relatively high horizontal resolution.

By utilizing TerraSpark’s Insight Earth software, paleo-geomorphology was more accurately imaged through proportional flattening the Previous Hit3DTop seismic volume and the creation of “stratal” slices. Well log facies were correlated with their equivalent seismic facies visible on stratal slices and provide an analog with which to further explore the CBNG potential within northern Louisiana.

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