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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


5th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1976
Pages 133-149

Remote Sensing as an Aid to Petroleum and Mining Exploration

J. C. Rivereau, A. Fontanel


Since 1972, Remote Sensing from space platforms (LANDSAT imagery) is a new powerful tool for geological mapping and mineral exploration. The main application are:

– geological interpretation on a regional basis (tectonics and rock type determination).

– correlation of mineral occurences with Previous HitlinearNext Hit or circular features. Relationship between surface tone anomalies ans subsurface data.

– the study of relationship between offshore data (seismic profiles, bathymetry ....), and onshore structural features detected on satellite imagery.

These goals can be fully achieved only by using Previous HitdigitalNext Hit processing techniques which allows: enhancement of image quality, Previous HitdigitalNext Hit combination of spectral bands and pseudo-automatic map making.

Examples of geological application of remote sensing techniques are given in Indonesia and around the Mediterranean area where a 6 million square kilometer survey was carried out in 1975.

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