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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


11th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1982
Pages 379-400

Applications of the Electromagnetic Previous HitPropagationNext Hit Tool in Indonesia

B. R. Wood, P. Westaway


A new log parameter, the Previous HitpropagationNext Hit time of an electomagnetic Previous HitwaveNext Hit in the rock, is measured by a new tool, the Electromagnetic Previous HitPropagationTop Tool (EPT).

This measurement, in conjunction with an indication of lithology from the Lithodensity Tool (LDT), permits a direct estimation of the volume of water in the invaded zone without prior knowledge of water salinity. Thus the presence or not of any resudual, unflushed hydrocarbon may be inferred. The application of this measurement is particularly interesting in the fresh waters of varying salinity met in Indonesia.

The paper describes the physical principles of the measurement, the interpretation procedures, and reviews examples and applications in wells in Indonesia

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