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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


12th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1983
Pages 323-343

The Use of Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data in Predicting the Abnormal High Pressure Zone for Exploration Drilling in Pertamina Unit E.P. III Working Area

Basuki Puspoputro


The basic theories to predict abnormal pressure zone introduced by Hottman & Johnson (1965) and Bellotti & Giacca (1978) have been applied in PERTAMINA Unit EP III area. The study started from making a theoretical mud weight curve derived from Previous HitseismicNext Hit stacking Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit. This curve is then compared to the actual mud weight, which is believed to overcome the formation pressure, at the corresponding well.

The study which was made from 36 wells (33 wells are located in West Java and 3 in East Java) has led to the conclusion that 61% of the predictions relatively meet the needs, however, after some corrections were made, this figure rose to 83%. The remaining less suitable figures obtained might be caused by some factors which are, among others, the poor quality of the Previous HitseismicTop data, the poor analysis of the shale velocity, the incorrect positioning of the "normal trend", etc.

The aim of this study was to aid in casing and mud weight designing for PERTAMINA exploration wells.

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