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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


13th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1984
Pages 1-18

Reef Facies Model of the Rajamandala Formation, West Java

R. P. Koesoemadinata, Syafei Siregar


Outcrops of the Rajamandala Formation limestone near Bandung offer an excellent opportunity to study the facies relationships of an Early Tertiary reef, which may serve as a model for Tertiary reef exploration in Indonesia. The limestones are exposed along quarries and natural outcrops along the road from Bandung to Jakarta. These limestones with thicknesses of approximately 600 meters are dipping 40 to 60 degrees toward the south and are involved in asymmetric folding and thrusting towards the north.

Along its ENE-WSW trending strike the limestone exhibits a graded granular limestone facies representing turbidites at the Previous HittoeTop of the basin-slope facies, a foraminiferal algal facies with rudstone facies representing a fore-reef facies, a coral-algal bafflestone to boundstone facies (locally quarried and slabbe as commercial marble), representing reef ramparts, and a possible milliolid limestone facies with isolated patch reefs, representing the lagoonal back reef facies.

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