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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


13th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1984
Pages 281-300

A High Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy Study, Central Sumatra Basin Indonesia

Untung Suryanto, W. A. Wycherly


In searching for small and difficult-to-find hydrocarbon traps, P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia in 1979-1981 conducted an extensive high resolution seismic study (the "Green Box Project") in part of the Central Sumatra Basin. Following a series of experiments to determine Previous HitoptimumTop high resolution recording parameters about 360 line kilometers of good to excellent quality high-resolution seismic data were recorded. Field data acquisition, seismic data processing techniques and interpretation procedures are discussed in this paper. A careful integration of geological information from well control with the high resolution seismic data and its extrapolation into an area of no well control led to the drilling of Birma Strat No. 1 stratigraphic test well. The primary objective sandstone, the Duri 1600' sand was penetrated remakably close to its thickness prediction. The integrated interpretation techniques described in this paper can be applied in any sedimentary basin where good quality seismic data can be obtained with sufficient vertical resolving power and where abundant geological information from well control is available as a result of the more advanced stages of exploration in a mature producing basin such as the Central Sumatra basin.

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